Along with all the words lately, N has finally decided to start trying to sing. We often play Fisher-Price's alphabet game together. Today, while playing, at the end, when the song finished, N immediately signed for more. I played him the song again, and sang to him. He started to whisper some random mumblings, but mostly didn't get anything correct except for the letter P which he said much louder than the other letters. He signed more when it ended and we sang together again. We sang the alphabet song together about ten times in total. He never got more than a letter or two correct, but it was fantastic to hear.
Later, while playing Rock Band 2 with his daddy, N tried to sing some of Last Train to Clarksville. When I put him down to sleep at night, he attempted to sing along with You Are My Sunshine. Then, he pointed imperiously to his crib to indicate that it was sleep time. I put him down and turned out the light. As Paul and I discussed stuff out in the living room, we could hear him chattering away to himself (another new habit).

Oh, additional words I forgot from last time: corn, bird, egg, owl, yes, no, and uh-oh!
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