

I Am A Witch and I'm Awesome

Slytherin All The Way!

Sunday was a witching night. That's right -- I took my Slytherin self out on a witchy witchy evening and I went around being ambitious, sneaky, evil, and awesome. I'm not saying I communed with He Who Must Not Be Named or anything, but when you're in the Slytherin house, you can be just a little evil, you know!

I might have insulted a few muggles and some Hufflepuffs (boring jerks). I might have cursed a few people. I might have eaten all the berries I could find without sharing them with my family. Oh, let's not pretend any more, my cohorts. The first thing I did when I went out was that I found some lousy do-gooder Gryffindor to fight. They're also so 'courageous' and 'honorable'. Well, check out this jerk trying to cast some spell on me when I wasn't looking.

Battling It Out

I was checking to make sure innocent ducklings weren't going to be caught in the crossfire, and he straight out attacked. I know that it isn't usually in the Slytherin image to be protective of baby ducklings, but I hate people, not ducklings! And he took ruthless advantage of the fact.

I'm happy to report I won the fight and I celebrated most joyously by being super witchy.


Easter, A Month Later

I know it's late, and I have many other things to discuss such as watching ducklings, tumbling classes, and picking berries, but this blog has become a way to store memories of N, so I had better write down some of the better memories, no? I mean, otherwise one day when I'm old and senile and reading these memories, I'll never remember things like the way in January when N saw a ton of snow for the first time, he pulled himself up onto the radiator covers and peered out of our house in awe.

Easter was intriguing this year. A month prior, I bought a super cute basket, several plastic eggs, and some grass. A week prior, I bought some M&Ms to put in the eggs. Paul and I invited our next door neighbors (also known as N's honorary grandparents) to watch the spectacle of N hunting for eggs. I really didn't believe he'd be able to do it at all.

Easter morn, I ran out of the house and planted the M&M filled eggs all over our yard and our neighbors' yard. I put them in very easy to spot locations. With a quick warning to our neighbors, we let N out of the house with his basket. I needn't have worried. After I showed him the first egg and told him to pick it up and put it in the basket I was holding for him, he went on a tear, flying around the yard looking for eggs.

Show Us The Egg!

Sometimes, he'd be so jazzed about the whole event, he would run between locations, attempting to hold multiple eggs.

Another Egg

After we got done the first go around of picking up eggs, I quickly hid the eggs again around our yards and he went for his second round of egg hunting!

Put Eggs In Bucket

All in all, we went for three rounds of egg hunting. Also, the next two days, he'd peer around our yard like eggs might magically appear. What does it say about me that I considered hiding eggs in our yard the week after Easter just to see his egg hunting smile?


ABC, Baby!

Playing the Guitar

Along with all the words lately, N has finally decided to start trying to sing. We often play Fisher-Price's alphabet game together. Today, while playing, at the end, when the song finished, N immediately signed for more. I played him the song again, and sang to him. He started to whisper some random mumblings, but mostly didn't get anything correct except for the letter P which he said much louder than the other letters. He signed more when it ended and we sang together again. We sang the alphabet song together about ten times in total. He never got more than a letter or two correct, but it was fantastic to hear.

Later, while playing Rock Band 2 with his daddy, N tried to sing some of Last Train to Clarksville. When I put him down to sleep at night, he attempted to sing along with You Are My Sunshine. Then, he pointed imperiously to his crib to indicate that it was sleep time. I put him down and turned out the light. As Paul and I discussed stuff out in the living room, we could hear him chattering away to himself (another new habit).

Can You Pose For Me?

Oh, additional words I forgot from last time: corn, bird, egg, owl, yes, no, and uh-oh!


Silly Me, Busy Spring

Low Contrast, High Saturation

I realized I haven't posted about N here in a long time, and that is silly. I was posting monthly (or trying to) when all he did was stare at me and say "goo", but now that he's doing everything under the sun, I have nothing to say?

As you might not be aware, this winter was hellish. Suffice to say that my son has asthma attacks when he gets a cold or infection. I was awaiting spring, and the return of my husband from his job up north, and for the endless rounds of colds to end. We came out of it with a bang, N, Paul, and I all got a horrible cold at the end of April.
Cover Of GQ!

Some things to chat about? Nathan is nearly two years old and he has barely forty words, if that, under his belt. I'd be worried, but about ten words of those forty came within the last four days, I think, so I'm rapidly calming down now. His words are: Go, Mom, Dad, car, moon, blue, stop, sun, cow, moo, cat, meow, neigh (horse's sound), roar, duck (pronounced guck), clock, shoe, bus, please, catfood (one word to him), tea, coffee, vacuum, paccy (short for pacifier), play, sit, poop, girl, balloon, walt, dot (the last two are our neighbors), book, and ball. I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but I'll add more to this site, as they come or as I remember them. The most surprising additions have come recently when he called a lion a "Roar" and answered that same word to "What does a tiger say?" When he answered the word "neigh" to what does a horse say, I nearly fell over.
No Pedaling

We are also taking tumbling classes and have been for several weeks. He's made some amazing advances due to the class, including learning how to jump and attempting to sing along with the alphabet song. He loves the balance beam, of all things, and willingly walks along it many times. He likes the inclined rock wall, and the bouncy horses as well. He tolerates the bars after watching the girls of the class swing like little monkeys. He likes the way he gets a stamp on his hand after the class too, which is funny since the first few times he wouldn't take the stamp until I did. He attempts to somersault quite often!

Last week, the teachers played a 'game' in which they held up a wedge shaped mat and ask the children to run at it to knock it over. (Of course, in reality, the teachers gently moved the mat to the floor and held the child to make sure that they didn't hurt themselves.) Nathan screamed shrilly each time another child made contact with the mat and would promptly try to launch himself from my lap directly at the mat. When it came to his turn, he ran screaming at it. He took several turns very enthusiastically.

All in all, my little baby is becoming a small boy. Of course, he still knows he's my baby.