

More Info From Month 9

I told you all that I was going to blog more, and I meant it. Took Mr. Chubby-Cheeks to his doctor appointment on the 10th of March for a nine month checkup.

Christmas Onesie

It appears that his cheeks and tummy truly are made of marshmallow fluff, as he is only 45% on the weight scale. He still hit 90% on the height scale, and, frankly, the nurse possibly measured him short since she tugged the measuring tape from my hand to below the tip of his head. He's about 25-50% for his head size. Teeny-headed Nathan.

This last month we introduced him to my old piano at my mother's house. He loves it and will bang across six octaves, leaning far in either direction to make noise. Sometimes he'll pound incessantly on the lower octaves, and sometimes he'll hit with both hands at once.

He's Got the Beat

I think this baby is getting cuter every damned day.

Cute Face

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